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Join our passionate community of drone enthusiasts, pilots, and innovators! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just taking off on your drone journey, this is the place to connect, learn, and share.
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  1. Maverick

    Droning How to learn flying drone as a newbie ?

    An other interesting topic to talk about. How did you learned to fly as a first time when you purchase the drone? Personally I took the drone, and went in the local park, that's how and where I've learned flying the drone, at the time air 2s :D
  2. Maverick

    Droning Flying at max hight using DJI DRONES?

    Has anyone here tried to fly at max hight using DJI Drones? I've see some people on social media, that they do. I guess in the area where there aren't any laws in place.
  3. Maverick

    Gear Talks Power bank

    Do you guys use power bank for your drone? Or having multiple batteries is enough.
  4. Maverick

    What are the best brand ND filters for DJi drones?

    What brand you rely when comes to ND filters for your drones. Are you preferring third party over DJI Filters ? If se which one you can recommend?
  5. Maverick

    Droning Would you consider Mini Drones toys ?

    There’s lots of talks on the internet about DJi drones. Some says that DJi drones are toys with decent camera and other says that them drones can be used as a weapon as well. What would you say about it ?
  6. Maverick

    Droning Share here your crashed drone and story behind it ?

    In this thread you can share photos with your crashed drone and also the story behind it. Example what happened that caused the accident. Let’s have some fun.
  7. Maverick

    Can you fly DJi Drones in cold weather ?

    Has anyone tried to fly DJI Drones in cold weather. Like -20 something extreme. I know DJi do not recommend flying theirs drones in very cold weather.
  8. Maverick

    Regulations Doing A2 qualification to comply with law

    This is debatable topic I guess. The government introduced this new additional requirement for people who want's to fly heaver drone, example 500+grams. And also once it's done you can fly closer to people. Would you say doing the A2, is worth the money ? I don't think when flying your drone...
  9. Maverick

    Using ND filters ?

    When and how a drone pilot should use ND filters? I personally use ND filters on very bright days, also because it gives a better contrast to my images.
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